The Blues

Is this what they call freedom?
The Blues - Switchfoot
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Enrique F. A. said...

Me gustó mucho este... Son ese tipo de cosas que me dejan pensando. ¿Y sabes? Hay veces que si uno se pone de 'profundo', se pone a pensar si realmente somos del todo libres... Interesente, ahora iré a fumar algo de mota, con eso de que hoy empiezan a debatir sobre ella... =P NTC

Stranger without boundaries... said...

Freedom, as the story of the old man locked in the centre of the town, claiming at his entrance to the tiny cage, "I'm indeed free, you are trapped inside that large world". The glass may be surrounding a small or big area, either way, it's just a matter of perspective as even in an existential mood perspective may arose and set you free (some claims that truth but as truth is only the way we relate with the surroundings then freedom can be there despite of any condition). Is those things done, thought and felt that shape freedom as perception adds the subjectivity touch. Even fantasy can't be contained under such a small and thin glass, even sight can reach far away from that glass, one moment the glass seems so near, the next second you are walking over the wood and in the next one... you remember your wings only to find you were already moving around the walls without your feet touching the ground...