Days before Chirstmas....

Ok, so after a minor (to you, cause this looks pretty much the same)- mayor (for me, 'cause it took some time to make everything look as it used to again) update on this blog, now there is twitter.

I've been using twitter for a few hours, but it seems to be addicting, you just add small msgs, rants and thoughts and let them get lost into the web.

Anyway, since I dont know if I'll update before Christmas here is my Christmas post...a Christmas Pug! LoL...all credits on being a pug go to Callie :) (and just for those wondering, yes I did get her a Xmas present, and not just a photoshop one...)

So...Merry Christmas, may all your dreams come true!

Ok, después de una pequeña (para uds porque esto se ve basicamente igual) gran (para mi, porque si tomo un poco de tiempo hacer que todo se viera de nuevo igual) actualización en este blog, ahora hay twitter.

He estado usando twiter por unas cuantas horas, pero parece ser adictivo. Solo agregar pequeños msgs, debrayes y dejar que se pierdan en la web.

En fin, como no se si actualice antes de Navidad, aquí está mi post Navideño...Un pug Navideño! jeje, todos los creditos de ser un pug van para Callie :) (Y para todos los que se pregunten si le compre un regalo de Navidad, y no solo uno photoshopeado jejeje)

Así que, Feliz Navidad, que todos sus sueños se hagan realidad...!


Anonymous said...

A giant pug at first glance... posing and posing even in the hardest conditions jejeje winter, summer you name it... a professional model.

Dreams may come in accordance with actions taken in almost every life aspect... even someone says... life can be a sketch for nothing, the rehearsal itself becomes the main function to be presented to the gods (as many others believe). Gods or forces that may lend time and space as a dream... life built brick by brick... leaving aside the rush we are submerged in... becoming the real dream... remembering it... living it... rehearsing and presenting at the same time... dream and wakefulness the essence of life...

Dreams may come true... dreams each being makes true...

PD. Stars in the sky that may fall as snowflakes perfect for the season...