What I rather be doing...

Seemed appropiate since Im "studying"...
From: http://www.homeofthenutty.com/gilmoregirls/screencaps/displayimage.php?album=4&pos=990
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Anonymous said...

At this point... sleep has become a luxury, but soon it will return as a normal rule in the universe... at least the recent events mark a smaller distance toward the end of another cycle... (and yes 2012 is still far away jijiji)... but at least this weekend you may rest a little... as it is necessary... As long as your dreams are still present... the countdown will go on and it will reach the end... pursuing new realities... this one is not so bad... i must say that even the complete stage sometimes look disastrous or even worst it has been fun... and has been a true experience... worthy... a lot of combinations... only to find standing up and living... stop surviving... and begin walking... or sleeping... but keep dreaming...

Anonymous said...

¿Donde mas he visto esa escena?....